June 16, 2024, Update: David Is Getting Electroshocked Repeatedly

June 16, 2024, Update:

David Is Getting Electroshocked Repeatedly

Jim Gottstein has been speaking with David most days since April 29th . Before he was electroshocked on Thursday, June 13th, David did not exhibit any memory deficits. David did complain about the drugging affecting his thinking. After he was electroshocked against his will on Thursday David said it took him 30 minutes to remember where he was and had a splitting headache. It is believed David was electroshocked against his will again the next day, Friday. Normally, electroshock is not given two days in a row. David was very disoriented, he couldn’t remember what day it was and was unclear on when he had been electroshocked.  He was sure he had been electroshocked twice. When I talked to him later in the day, he didn’t remember he had talked to me earlier in the day. On Saturday, June 15th, David was feeling a little better, but was still having problems with his memory.  Today, Sunday, June 16th, David says his memory has come back some, he is groggy and sore all over.

He understands they are going to continue to electroshock him against his will this coming week. Throughout this whole time David has said he is “scared shitless” as he saw someone being electroshocked to the point where they couldn’t talk and needed help eating. The brain damage from electroshock is cumulative, so the fewer electroshocks the better. David is a software engineer and he is legitimately worried the electroshock will make him unable to do that any more.

In addition to continuing to urge Dr. Schak to stop having David electroshocked against his will, you can contact Gianrico Farrugia, MD, Mayo’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) by e-mail mailing him at Farrugia.gianrico@mayo.edu.  Christina Zorn is Mayo’s Chief Administrative Officer and her e-mail address might be zorn.christina@mayo.org. Jim Gottstein e-mailed her, requesting a delivery receipt, which he has not received, nor has he received a bounce message.

Also, please contact Minnesota Governor, Tim Walz and ask him to have the forcible electroshocking of David Russell stopped.

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz

130 State Capitol

St. Paul, MN 55155



email: tim.walz@state.mn.us

web: http://www.state.mn.us

Alternate Telephone Numbers

Telephone: 651-201-3400

Toll Free: 800-657-3717

Minnesota Relay: 800-627-3529

Even though it is hard to imagine things getting worse for David, please recognize that he is at risk of retaliation and you are supporting David under the MindFreedom banner, so we ask you to take these into account when you call or write.

We will appreciate it if you leave a comment below with a copy of your e-mail and/or a description of your phone call or whatever else you might have done on David’s behalf and the response, if any. Our system requires approval of comments so it will take a bit for it to show up.


Software Developer, AI Artist, Writer and Activist.

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